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Affidavit Denying Receipt Of Notice Of Dishonor


State of [state]

County of [County]

[Name of corporate officer], being first duly sworn, deposes and says that:

1. [Corporate officer] is the secretary of [Name of Corporation], a corporation organized under the laws of [State of corporation], having its principal office at [Address of corporation], [City of corporation], [State of corporation], referred to as corporation;

2. [Corporate officer] is in charge of the principal office of corporation and has supervision over the records of corporation and has held this office and responsibility since [Date Office first held];

3. [Corporate officer] has not received any notice of dishonor by [nonpayment or nonacceptance] of a [draft or note] payable to [Name of payee], of [address of payee], [city of payee], [state of payee], [Name of drawer], of [address of drawer], [city of drawer], [state of drawer], which instrument is alleged to bear the indorsement of [corporate officer] as agent of corporation; on information and belief, no other officer or employee of corporation has received a notice similar to the one described above.

4. If corporation had received a notice as described above, the notice would normally come to [corporate officer]'s attention as [secretary] of corporation; however, even after making a diligent search of the records and files of corporation under [corporate officer]'s supervision, [corporate officer] has not found any such notice.
